Thursday, December 30, 2010

Some Quirks..

I think it has been established a long long time ago that I am neither the most normal nor sane person in the universe. I have quite a few odd habits, but a conversation with a good friend inspired me to write about one in particular:

I like to name my electronics after fictional characters.

Yes, I know what you're thinking, slightly odd, and specific, but what started it all? Well my mother used to joke about naming her cars. We have two, both are red so one is Little Red and the other Big Red. The one beforehand was Big Mama.

So I decided to take up the tradition and begin to name my electronic posessions. Since I don't have a car, I just began naming everything.

My phone's name is Severus. It had been having a fling with my iPod touch (Lily) until she fell and now has three large scratches along her screen. Upon falling she also had a sex change and was renamed Bill (as a tribute to the scars her received after fighting Fenrir Greyback). Neddless to say their relationship ceased. HOWEVER when I updated my iPod I had been searching for Harry Potter artwork on deviantart and foolishly typed Severus into iTunes and now that is my iPod's name. It's quite confusing so I just let them get on with things at this stage. Perhaps one can be book Severus and the other A Very Potter Musical Severus.

My laptop is named Codex after the character the AMAZING Felicia Day plays in the Guild. This is mainly due to the fact that I became OBSESSED with the show again before getting the laptop. I also covered her in J!nx stickers. And she is red. It seemed fitting.

My XBox is named Pearl due to the fact that I had been playing Pokemon Pearl when I realised she had not been named. My DS is Roy for unknown reasons.

I got a new camera for Christmas this year. At the same time I noticed that despite the fact that I am a wee bit obsessed with the Discworld and all Pratchett related wonders, I haven't named any of my belongings after and of his characters. It is a toss up betwwwn Mort and Vetinari. Only time will tell. I'll have to get to know his personality better.

I will let you know if there have been any newcomers to the family and their back stories. Believe me, you shall be among the first to know.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


So, since I last blogged a lot has changed in life. Again.

I turned 18, became obsessed with reading fan fictions, have become totally comfortable wearing heels, saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Pt. 1), have made new friends, have remade old friends, have grown up a bit...

And, in a way have been abandoned. or at least I feel like I have been by one person at least.

It's been months but when anyone talks about relationships you're the one I mention. I still have texts saved from you. I'm always gonna miss you, but I know moving on is the best thing.

The thing is though, I was able to move on even when you were talking to me and even when we would meet up. I was able to keep my feelings under control. I know things are tough for you now, but they were tough in a different way last year, and things are always tough for me. But the only way you can think of getting over me is having nothing to do with me? Dear, we tried that before and apparently it didn't work.

I just want to be your friend and help you through all this. All I would like is for us to be able to talk without returning to the same old pattern...

But clearly you can't.

You're 20 now. It seems like such a far away age. And so much has changed for you since we were close. Our lives have changed in many many ways in such a short space of time.

Yet your head still seems to be stuck at March last year. If you had realized then what you know now then I am positive things would be different. But they can't go back. It's not an issue of being hurt or you having to prove yourself or that I didn't love you.

I loved you more than I thought I would ever love someone. And eventually you got sick of that. You still have a place in my heart despite everything. That place, however, has evolved and developed and moved on.

I would still like for the paths of our lives to meet someway in someday.

It's up to you now though